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Why Your Content Marketing Isn't Getting Results

The biggest mistake made in content marketing is writing content before you do your keyword research. That’s it. That’s the reason.

You have to understand what your target audience is wanting and needing to know. You have to know what words they are typing into the search bar to answer the questions they have or the problems they need solved.

After all, what is the real purpose of a search engine? To find answers! 

What Is Content Marketing?

To start, we need to make sure we understand what content marketing really means.

According to The Content Marketing Institute, content marketing can be defined as, “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

That’s one of many official descriptions. But what does it really mean to do Content Marketing?

There are 3 main elements:

  1. Keyword Research
  2. Clarify Your Target Audience
  3. Create Valuable Content That Helps Your Audience

Do Your Keyword Research

You must do your keyword research so you know what content to write. Once you do that and you know your keywords and related keywords, you can create your content around them.

Recommended tools for Keyword Research:

  1. AHRefs
  2. SEMRush
  3. Ubersuggest 

These 3 tools are extraordinary helpful, but they do have a learning curve. Be prepared to spend some time learning how to use them to get the best keywords for your product or service. You don’t need to use all 3 of these tools, any one of them will be helpful.

upset woman working on computer

How Do You Get Started With Content Marketing?

Clarify Your Target Audience

There are many ways to clarify your target audience. To simplify, you have to know who will buy your product or service. For example, if you sell a dog product  you could say that all dog owners are your target audience. That’s a really big audience, however. You probably need to dig deeper though, by learning what types of dog owners are most likely to buy your dog product. Here are some of the best ways to really clarify your target audience:
  • Review your current customers. How are they the same and how are they different? Can you identify the commonalities and build a profile?
  • Look at your social media followers. Who is following you? What posts of yours do they like and comment? 
  • Use Google Analytics to understand demographic information such as age, name and location.
  • Review the pages on your website that are getting the most traffic. Make those pages the focal point of your strategy development.

This is the information you need to use & understand to be able to clarify your target audience. Once you have clarified your target audience, you can get started with your content marketing plan.

Create Valuable Content That Helps Your Audience

You absolutely have to write great content. Content that educates, that inspires, content that solves a problem. Writing weak, light content won’t help. If you don’t want to really put the effort & resources in, then don’t include content marketing as part of your marketing strategy. A better idea is to hire someone to handle your content writing for you if you can’t give it the effort it requires.

Write great headlines. This is so important I can’t overemphasize it. There are some good tools out there to help you with headline writing & content ideas. Use one or some of these tools, they will you get better.

Don’t Forget To Be Memorable & Original With Your Writing, Videos, and Images

Be different with all your efforts. Develop a style that fits your brand, Add images, charts, diagrams or video to complement your writing. No one wants to look at tons of text, writing for the web is different than writing a book. 

When you implement these steps, your content marketing efforts will start to bring results. Good luck!

At Resonating Brands, we are here to give you & your company the best value for your money. We will do our very best to help you execute a well-developed plan that drives business. If you are looking for a marketing group who is curious about you and your industry, takes pride in honest, dependable marketing strategies, and breathes creative life into your brand, we are your people.

Ultimately, we succeed by helping you succeed. We want you and your company to BE RESONATING. 

It is only when you Resonate, when you find your voice, your personality and your target market, that you will truly be a Resonating Brand to be desired. We are here to help YOU get there.

Need Help? Drop me a line.

Call or text: 616-377-8585